Hi! Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and did lots of shopping! I sometimes buy gifts throughout the year so I can't remember if I already bought someone something. I have to dig out all the gifts and start wrapping so I can check them off the list already. We bought our tree too and the kids decorated it and I have to say it looks pretty this year. We didn't even unwrap the tree to check it before we bought it. It looked pretty fat in the middle and so we were happy that when we brought it home, it looked pretty symmetrical and full. Anyway, it is week 19 of TGF's Heart Journaling . The theme is Chaos. And I almost forgot to do the assignment! I would've kicked myself if I missed this week when it's close to the end. Well, I guess I have too much going on in my mind. At least I remembered to pick up all my kids today at the time I'm supposed to. Hehehe. I went with the "organized" chaos idea that was...
a journal of two friends and their creations